Ideas for Part-Time, In-Class Instruction (June 2020)


These are some ideas to consider as we welcome students back to school. How can we consider and maintain equity as we engage students in learning in a variety of settings? Please send any ideas in to that you feel others would benefit from. We're in this together:)

The resumption of part-time, in-class instruction provides us with opportunities to:


  • connect with each other. There could be opportunities to connect “at-school” learners with “at-home” learners.


  • build/rebuild relationships.



  • have conversations to clarify/enhance understanding and learning that has taken place at home.
    • this could provide information to communicate in a learning summary.


  • give personal descriptive feedback to learning that has, and is, taking place.



  • develop personal and social responsibility competencies through the learning and refining of health protocols.


  • support the self-assessment of core competencies. Ideas can be found here and resources can be found here.


  • support learning that is happening at home.


  • set up learning opportunities that can be completed at home.
    • engage students (both in class and at home) in authentic tasks
      • example – a design thinking exercise where they reflect on the last two months and project forward to September and design what school would look like. This is an opportunity for engaging parents as well.
      • End of the year project idea


  • Many resources are curated here.