MBNS Opening for Grade 6-7 Next Year

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Q’shintul/Mill Bay Nature School is a public school of choice in the Cowichan Valley that has has been putting down deep roots since our start four years ago and together, creating a new learning and teaching community with Hulq’umi’num’ Elders-in-Residence, Knowledge Holders, brave and courageous parents, dedicated, passionate and responsive educators, and our ‘Xe ‘xe smun’eem – our sacred children who are at the centre of our work.

We are very excited to announce the launch of Qwiqwul tst tse – “Let’s Talk” designed with adolescent growth and development in mind (grades six to nine). Qwiqwul tst tse will begin September 2022 with a Clan (grade six and seven age) who are willing to take up a three or four year commitment supported by educators with unique passions, strengths, and competencies.We presently offer unique learning and growing experiences for children of elementary school age (including a blended schooling model) using the beautiful and robust B.C. Curriculum as our guide, the Village and Natural World as our rhythms, and body, mind, heart, and spirit as our structures.

For more information and an opportunity to ask questions and meet the Educators, please attend our Community Gathering on Wednesday, April 27 at 5 pm in Mill Bay Nature School’s Q’shintul Lelum (gym). Please note that an interview process will follow registration. Everyone welcome !

We raise our hands to our Elders-in-Residence- Tousilum and Sulsa’meethl; Knowledge Holders – Stuart Pagaduan, John George, Louis Sylvester, Sonya Charlie, Ernie Rice, Marya Sylvester, Laura Antoine, Darla Peters; for their love and guidance.

Questions – contact Kim Ondrik, Head Learner, kondrik@sd79.bc.ca

Registration – contact Tanya Leech, Secretary, millbayheadsecretary@sd79.bc.ca