From logo use and variations, email signature templates to brand colors, tagline and photography. Please have a look through the document to ensure that you are using the logo, colors, and fonts in the appropriate way.
There are several sizes for logo files. For very small uses, you can use the SMALL size logo. This would be appropriate for uses that are no smaller than 0.5″ and no larger than 1″. MEDIUM sized logos will be your most common and are appropriate for uses 2″-3″ in size. For larger uses, the LARGE file type would be best. That size will be appropriate for uses of 10″ – 14″. If you require this logo for a larger size than that, please contact communications.
There will be times when the official logo does not work for your intended use. For that reason, we have developed several variations to assist you in creating compelling documents with our logo.
The primary logo for the Cowichan Valley School District is the logo with the full color sun and black canoe and paddlers, and in the square (or portrait) orientation. We do know that this version will not work for every application, nor will it show up best in all uses. For that reason we have designed the logo to have two orientations, portrait and landscape (as below).