Cyber Incident

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We are writing to provide an update on the cyber incident experienced by the School District in June.

The School District has completed its investigation into the incident, and we are pleased to report that there is no evidence to suggest that any staff or student information has been impacted.  Nevertheless, as a matter of best practices, we continue to encourage all members of the community to be vigilant against incidents of cyber-crime, including by monitoring your email or other personal accounts regularly, being suspicious of unsolicited emails or text messages asking you for personal information or that contain links or attachments, and learning about how to protect yourself against identity theft.  To educate yourself about identity theft and related scams and frauds, we encourage you to visit the Government of Canada’s Anti-Fraud Centre website (https://www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraud/index-eng.htm)

We would like to thank all members of the community for their patience with the service interruptions caused by this incident.  Unfortunately, no organization is entirely immune from incidents of this nature, which have been occurring with greater frequency in Canada and internationally in recent years.  The School District has used this an opportunity to review and strengthen our data security measures.  The privacy and security of the personal information of our staff, students and community members is an important priority for the School District.