10-12 Grove Programs

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What is the Grove’s 10-12 Program

Distributed learning is a method of instruction that relies primarily on communication between students and teachers, including internet or other electronic-based delivery, teleconferencing or correspondence.

DL provides another choice for learning within the current system. DL takes place outside of the regular classrooms typically when a student is at a distance from the teacher and the regular school programs. Students may opt for distributed learning due to scheduling conflicts for required courses or sometimes because of learning preferences. Students in DL programs have increased flexibility in determining their academic schedule as school calendars are not bound by time and space. Students can do coursework at any time of day.

Program Highlights:

  • Courses are free of charge for all school aged students (part-time and full time), including adults, residing in British Columbia
  • Students in Grade 10, 11 or 12 may be cross-enrolled (attending another Secondary school in British Columbia at the same time they take a distance learning course)
The Grove 10-12
As the Cowichan’s Blended and Online Learning school of choice, we offer flexible and individualized learning options for Kindergarten to Grade 12 learners throughout the valley

Continuous Progress/Entry – Flexibility

Students may start their courses at any time. Students in Grade 10, 11 and 12 courses have 12 months to complete their studies, however they must stay active in their courses each week.

Parent / Student / Staff Interaction

Staff are available to meet the needs of parents and learners through a wide variety of contact formats including student drop in times, regular e-mail interaction, testing services, and phone calls to home.

If you would like to talk to someone about The Grove’s at Home Program, you can contact The Grove at grovesecretary@sd79.bc.ca or (250) 746-0277 or visit The Grove’s Website.

Program Assignments

In order to be able to employ effective marking and teaching practices, it is essential that students submit individual assignments in a prescribed order as defined by the subject teacher. This allows a subject teacher to correct any misconceptions or misinterpretations of the material in the unit of study. This also allows the teacher to monitor the conceptual growth as the student works through the unit.

Marked assignments, including teacher comments, will give the student direction, a guide for the subsequent assignments and tests in the unit. Students should therefore send their assignments as they are completed rather than “stockpiling” a large number of them and submitting a large amount of work.

Assignment Submission / Viewing and Marking Practices

Completed assignments are marked and returned as quickly as possible. The turn-around time may vary depending upon teacher workload. Teachers will regularly communicate.


Exams can be written at the school. Appointments are required.