April 5 – Duncan El. 100th Anniversary


Duncan Elementary School 100th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, April 5, 2014
1:30 to 4:30 pm
at Duncan Elementary (1033 Nagle Street)

Duncan Elementary School celebrates its 100th anniversary this year.  182 students were in the school when it officially opened on December 11, 1913.  In recognition of the school’s 100th anniversary a celebration is being planned for Saturday, April 5, 2014 at the school located at 1033 Nagle Street.

A planning committee has been formed and is working on details for the celebration, which will include displays of artifacts, photographs and documentation by quarter century.

“We hope that many past Duncan Elementary students and staff will be able to attend the 100th anniversary celebration on April 5th where they can renew and make new acquaintances and reminisce through the displays that will be set up in the school,” said Joe Rhodes, Superintendent.

For more information on the celebration and to submit contributions of scanned photographs and fond memories of the school, please visit the Duncan Elementary School 100th anniversary website:  http://duncan100.sd79.bc.ca .

Click below for full news release:
News Release – Duncan Elementary 100th Anniversary